Dastar-E-Virasat Club had Organized Punjab’s biggest turban competition in Patiala on Friday, 6 September 2024. The competition was held at Gurudwara Dukhniwaran Sahib, Patiala. The timings for the competition were 8.30 am sharp. This competition was dedicated to Shri Guru Amardas ji’s 450th Jyoti Jot Diwas and Guru Ramdas ji’s 450th Gurgaddi Diwas. The entry fees was Rs.60. The Children could collect the forms from different shops in Patiala. Media Partners were Kartar Tv 24×7 Gurbani Channel.
Prizes for Winners
There were 3 groups divided according to the age group :
*Group A (8-16 years) (Turban)
First Prize – Rs. 3100 cash Prize along wih 4ft. Trophy
Second Prize – Rs. 2100 cash Prize with 3ft. Trophy
Third Prize – Rs. 1100 cash Prize with 2ft. Trophy
*Group B (17-24 years) (Turban)
First Prize – Rs. 3100 cash Prize with 4ft. Trophy
Second Prize – Rs. 2100 cash Prize with 3ft. Trophy
Third Prize – Rs. 1100 cash Prize with 2ft. Trophy
*Group C (Open) 8-24 years (Dumala)
First Prize – Rs. 3100 cash Prize with 4ft. Trophy
Second Prize – Rs. 2100 cash Prize with 3ft. Trophy
Third Prize – Rs. 1100 cash Prize with 2ft. Trophy
*Special Prize for Girls
Mata Gujri Ji Award with Rs. 2100 cash Prize and 3ft. Trophy
Why are Cultural Competitions Important in today’s time?
- Cultural Awareness: It helps children learn and understand the cultural significance of the turban while promoting respect for diversity.
2. Creativity: Making and tying turbans allows children to express their creativity and develop their artistic skills.
3. Builds self-confidence: Taking part in competitions allows children to demonstrate their skills and get recognition, building their self-esteem.
4. Community Engagement: These events often bring families and communities together, strengthening social bonds.
5. Preserving Traditions: Encourage the younger generation to preserve and maintain cultural traditions.
6. Skill Development: Tying a turban requires fine motor skills and coordination. Participating in these activities will help you improve your skills while having fun.
7. Teamwork and collaboration: When competitions include group activities, children learn to work together, communicate and support each other, promoting teamwork skills.
8. Storytelling and History: These activities often include discussions about the history and meaning of the turban, helping children learn storytelling and historical context.
9. Cultural Pride: Children develop pride in their heritage, promoting a positive sense of identity and self-perception.